We Achieved 4.65 Times Growth in Organic Traffic in 3 Months

Customer: Akşam

Sektör: Endüstri

Hizmet: SEO

Akşam SEO Process


Kat Organic Traffic User Number Increase.


Floor Total Visitor Number Increase.


Floor Page Views Increase


  • Site Internal SEO Analysis
    We conducted an analysis of Aksam.com.tr in line with current algorithms and worked simultaneously with the software team to address the most critical errors on the site. These adjustments were prioritized and planned for implementation.
  • Competitors’ SEO Qualities and Strategies
    Recognizing the intense competition in the digital publishing industry, we thoroughly analyzed the working strategies of our competitors down to the finest details. Utilizing the acquired know-how, we aimed to stay ahead of our competitors by predicting the next algorithm update.
  • Identification of Keyword-Optimized Pages
    By performing detailed analyses such as the usage rates of selected keywords, the existence of pages related to these keywords on the site, and measuring the technical proficiency of these pages, we aimed to optimize pages related to keywords for SEO, leading to an increase in rankings.
  • Keyword Identification
    After a thorough analysis of websites in the industry and the AKŞAM website, we identified searches that could yield results. In the initial stage, we identified 30 keywords, determining their search volumes and return rates to establish our key keywords.

From design to development, site speed to mobile compatibility, articles to site management, we ensured the resolution of all identified errors through comprehensive analysis.

With the initiation of off-site SEO efforts, we gradually progressed and began to witness an increase in traffic. Based on our data, we anticipated a surge in industry traffic starting in April, leaving us with limited time. Therefore, we needed to take careful and solid steps. We calculated the return time for each backlink, identified their contributions to the site, and proceeded in a controlled manner.



People have now started to follow the entire agenda through digital media. All newspapers around the world have now provided a place for themselves in digital media. Increasing competition conditions and the large number of digital newspapers laid the foundations of the biggest competition in search engines.


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